I'm returning to Taroudant, Morocco in 2025 for two more workshops in this fabulous location.

Morocco is a feast for the eyes. Everywhere you look there is vibrant colour. We will be recapturing the same vibrant colours in our ecoprinted textiles.

Our base will be a beautiful ecolodge, with traditional architecture, a wonderful permaculture garden, an amazing pool and an emphasis on sustainability. It's just outside the 500 year old city walls, which surround the beautiful garden. Visit their website https://cecu.co.uk/ and you will understand straight away what a fabulous and atmospheric environment it is. We can gather fabulous printing foliage from the extensive gardens.

The staff are wonderful, attentive to our every need, and the food is plentiful and utterly delicious.

This workshop is for experienced printers. If you are bundling confidently, getting clear prints, and understand how to use carrier cloths, then this will be the workshop to take your printing to the next level. If you are a beginner but would still like to attend, an option is to take my online foundation skills course, which will give you the essential skills and techniques needed for this course - contact me for details.

We will work with a variety of dyes and tannins, alone and in combination, and we will spend time understanding how mordant, dye and leaf influence each other. We will also spend time understanding how you can investigate a tannin or dye or leaf that is new to you, to learn how to use it to its maximum potential. We will work with both protein and cellulose fabrics. New for 2025, we will be working with ‘ slutty blankets’.  What on earth is a slutty blanket?! It’s a carrier cloth that has been reused many times in different dye and tannin combinations so that it has developed a rich patina of multiple colourants. Results  can be sensational – complex and nuanced. It’s also a very economical and environmentally friendly way to work. Of course you could just experiment with random combinations of your own, but there’s an art and a science to this - certain dyes and tannins are particularly complementary to each other , and some  combinations have a particularly spectacular effect on the leaves. I’ll be sharing my favourite combinations.

By the end of the workshop you will be producing vibrant prints with saturated coloured backgrounds, and you will have all the knowledge and understanding you need to continue getting these great results at home.

Teaching will be geared to your own wishes and level of experience, and personal projects are encouraged and supported.
You can work on scarves, yardage or garments etc but we will not be working with paper or leather. A detailed materials list will be provided.

This will be a little different from my normal intensive workshops. There will still be plenty of teaching, but formal teaching will only be for half of each day. This leaves the other half of the day free for you to work in the studio or opt for one of a wide range of local excursions, explore the fascinating town, or simply relax in the gardens and swim in the gorgeous pool. This format should make the holiday a very attractive option for those who have non printing partners who wish to come along. But don’t worry ,for those who want to print all day there will be every opportunity. During teaching sessions I will make sure you have clear goals for your independent printing time- and I shall often be right there in the studio printing alongside you.

Tour option:

Morocco is an exciting country, with so much to see and do. In order for you to make the most of your trip, after the first week of the workshop Holidays with Heart will be offering an optional add-on one week tour of local cities, mountains and beaches. This tour received rave reviews from this year's participants. The tour will be available only for those attending week 1

Contact jane@holidays-with-heart.co.uk for details


How to book

Visit the Maison Anglaise website

Click on 'calendar' and scroll down until you find my workshops. Click on 'brochure' and full details will appear, including dates and prices.

Scroll down and you will see a green box on the right which says 'book now'

Alternatively use the following links

6 -20 September 2025 -br250906CN - Holidays with Heart (cecu.co.uk)

20 – 27 September 2025br250920 - Holidays with Heart (cecu.co.uk)

Prices start from £920 per person in a shared room, to include three meals a day, accommodation and the workshop. There is a small supplement for single occupancy. There is also an additional materials charge of £75.

For questions specifically about the ecoprinting component please contactcarolinenixon@btinternet.com

For all other enquiries about the ecolodge, travel and booking contact


Booking is open now.

Week 2 is full, but it’s worth joining the waiting list

Week 1 has only a few spaces left- don’t leave it too long to book!

Getting there

La Maison Anglaise is less than an hour from Agadir airport. The staff will pick you up from the airport, making your transfer safe and trouble free. More details on the Maison Anglaise website

Covid and health

Hopefully this won't be a worry in 2025, but please take out travel insurance that covers covid at the time of booking. Taroudant has had low numbers throughout the pandemic. The kitchen staff are extremely well trained in hygiene methods .Depending on prevailing conditions we may ask you to test , to keep us all safe, so please bring some rapid tests with you. Please also bring masks, just in case